All Poured Out: The LORD WILL fulfill His purpose for me

"But even if I am poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you" Philippians 2:17 

Hey There! First of all, let me start out by saying, I have no idea what I am doing. All I know is over the past few months I have seriously been seeking the Lord about my life's purpose and even more recently I have determined to just do whatever I even THINK He is leading me to do. This is what lead me here. 

One of the scriptures I have been mediating on this year is Psalms 138:8, the HCSB translation says "The LORD will fulfill His purpose for me. LORD, Your love is eternal; do not abandon the work of Your hands."

The LORD WILL fulfill His purpose for me. 

Another scripture that I have been meditating on is, Philippians 2:13, HCSB version,  "For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose." 

God is working in work out HIS good purpose. 

In all my 27- almost 28 years, I have never felt like I had any gifts or talents, no strong interests or "special" anythings so at times I struggled to envision what plan or purpose the Lord had for me.  I guess if you allow it you can talk yourself right out of your worth, despite what others may say about you (including the Lord himself).

But with those scriptures I realized: this purpose that I've been seeking...the Lords purpose... if I simply avail myself and allow Him, the Lord himself will fulfill this purpose, HE will bring it to pass.  He will fulfill that purpose (His perfect, predetermined purpose) in my life Himself. 

God is not a respecter of persons but instead He is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him.

Last Sunday at church, during the service our Pastor was speaking on Abiding in Christ. He mentioned many things but a few things that stuck out were:

- To do the will of God,  you must attach yourself to the vine and you (the branch) will bare much fruit

-Believers have been called to be Christ's Ambassadors. When any ambassador of country is in a foreign land everything they need for survival- clothes, food, housing, cars etc. are provided for them- all they need to do is their job. As Christs Ambassadors everything we need for this work on earth, for this purpose, for this "good plan" mentioned in Jeremiah 29:11 has already been provided for us. 

Throughout the sermon, all I could hear within me is "All Poured Out...Here is my life Lord, use it for Your glory..for Your purpose...for Your plans...Whatever you want to do, do it...leave nothing...All Poured Out.."

In order for me to do the will of God, bear fruit and walk in my purpose I must Abide in Him. I must simply "do it" when lead by Him, regardless of how it makes me feel or what I think about it (Obedience!).  I must  be attached to the vine--to the one who created and fulfills the purpose

So...I say all that to here I am saying Lord: use me, all of me, "You are the Lord, do whatever seems right in your eyes." I am not sure what the purpose is, or what the Lord has in store but I intend to give it everything I have. May His will be done. 

All Poured Out.